Saturday, January 02, 2010

Done (enough)

So Mike put my new cubbie shelves together last evening and I got to work organizing my supplies. I have TOO MANY scrapbooking supplies, especially for the amount of time I spend scrapbooking (not enough).

So, anyway - here it is. I'm pretty happy with it. There are a few little things I still need to do, but they are little. I have a huge "leaf-sized" bag of garbage that I cleaned out from double/triple memorabilia, etc. The black shelves are still right beside this space, but the only things left on those shelves are things I'm currently listing on eBay to sell.

And notice on the top row, second from the left, are the light switches for the room. I have to keep small stuff in that cubbie but it works well!

Maybe this will motivate me to scrapbook a little more!

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